Fracture and Dislocation Management

Dr. Clearfield is able to manage most fractures.


Casting, Splinting, and Bracing:
Dr. Clearfield is able to manage most fractures. If the fracture is closed (not piercing the skin) and stable then Dr. Clearfield can splint, cast, and/or brace the injury to allow it to heal. Dr. Clearfield also has training to reduce and manage common acute dislocations.

At Motion is Medicine we have a variety of ways to immobilize a fracture! We offer standard casting and splinting, as well as having durable medical equipment (DME) from DonJoy Orthopedics.

Additionally, we have partnered with ActivArmor to be the ONLY PHYSICIAN’S OFFICE IN TEXAS to offer their services. ActivArmor provides waterproof, custom 3D-printed casts and splints. These allow the wearer not only to get the affected area wet (ie: swimming), but also allows most athletes to be able to compete in their sport. Great for kids as well as for anyone who would like to keep active while allowing their fracture to heal!

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