Headache Migraine Treatment

Chronic and/or recurring headaches and migraines can be a huge source of disability to many people.

Headache/Migraine Treatment

Chronic and/or recurring headaches and migraines can be a huge source of disability to many people. Management of these conditions starts with identifying triggers such as environmental exposures, foods, as well as medications that may be causing these. There are prescription medications that can help treat (abort) these conditions as well as prescriptions that can help prevent these from recurring. Dr. Clearfield is able to prescribe any of these medications and he can additionally perform other effective treatments for recurrent headaches and/or migraines with procedures such as Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT), Occipital Nerve Blocks, and Sphenopalatine Ganglion Nerve Blocks. All of these procedures are extremely safe to perform and can be done in the comfort of our office!

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