Nerve Blocks, Neural Therapy, and Nerve Hydrodissections

Nerve blocks can be used diagnostically to figure out if a nerve entrapment is the cause of your pain and...

Did you know that many chronic painful conditions are nerve-related? Whether it is a nerve that is entrapped, pinched, crushed, etc, at Motion is Medicine we have various treatments and techniques that can be performed to treat your nerve pain!

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Nerve Blocks

Nerve blocks can be used diagnostically to figure out if a nerve entrapment is the cause of your pain and therapeutically to treat the nerve pain.

Neural Therapy

Neural therapy is another type of nerve block where the superficial pain fibers of the nerve are injected just under the skin to help “calm” the nerve back down.

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Nerve Hydrodissections

Nerve hydrodissections uses a solution (hydro) to separate (dissect) the nerve away from any tissue that is entrapping it. This works for any “tunnel” syndrome including carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, tarsal tunnel, as well as for nerve entrapments in many other areas.

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatments

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common nerve compression injury in the body. It involves compression of the median nerve as it courses through the wrist. This can cause symptoms of numbness, pain, weakness, and tingling in the hand, notably in the thumb, index, and middle fingers and half of the ring finger. These symptoms may radiate up the arm as well.

Depending on the degree of your carpal tunnel syndrome Dr. Clearfield can perform three different procedures to help this: Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT)median nerve injection (often with a corticosteroid), and nerve hydrodissection (can be done with or without a corticosteroid). All three of these techniques have been shown to reduce, if not eliminate, the pain, dysfunction, and weakness that can be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Talk to our staff to learn more about any of these procedures!

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Knee Geniculate Nerve Blocks

Knee pain is the most common joint pain people as a whole will experience.  There are numerous treatments available to treat knee pain, including treating the geniculate nerves that surround the knee. The genicular nerves are the major nerve fibers that carry pain and sensory information from the knee to the brain. Arthritis or degenerative joint disease can cause inflammatory symptoms and chronic knee pain that is transmitted by genicular nerve fibers. A geniculate nerve block is an injection of an anesthetic mixed with a steroid or non-steroidal medication around the genicular nerves located around the knee joint.

The injection may reduce/eliminate chronic knee pain and other symptoms caused by osteoarthritis, joint degeneration, and post knee replacement. These injections can also provide relief when surgery is not recommended or desired.

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Occipital Nerve Blocks

Up to 1 in 20 adults has a headache every, or nearly every day! There are various different treatments available for headaches but some require taking chronic prescription medication and some people do not get much relief from these. Many headaches and migraines are triggered by irritation of the occipital nerve on the back of the head. An occipital nerve block is an injection of an anesthetic mixed with a steroid or non-steroidal medication around the occipital nerves located on the back of the head just above the neck area.

These injections may reduce/eliminate pain and other symptoms caused by inflammation or irritation of the nerves and surrounding structures. Typically, headaches over the back of the head, including certain types of tension headaches, migraine headaches, and occipital neuralgia respond extremely well to occipital nerve blocks.

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Sphenopalatine Ganglion Nerve Blocks

The sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) is associated with the trigeminal nerve, which is the major nerve involved in headache disorders. The SPG nerve is located in the back of the nose and above the back of the throat. Typical pain of the trigeminal nerve can be described as intense, sharp, superficial, or stabbing pain.

Depending on the type of headache, various regions of the face can be affected. An SPG nerve block is performed to interrupt the pain signal pathways in order to temporarily or even completely resolve the pain.

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